HO! ME! is where the he- art is....?
Today, I start a new hybrid- organic-blog and it starts here, now. What is a hybrid organic blog? hybrid : Well, for a start, it will be written in both English and Dutch, mixed.... right as I fancy it, when I fancy it. It is likely to contain mixed media ( words, images and who knows, even sounds and video) Also... more importanly ...this blog is only the virtual version, a version Google and 'human minds' are able to relate to to some extent. However, the even more interesting part of this blog is when 'souls' start to relate to it, by resonating though this virutal content, with the actual meta-physcial content.... stored on the 'internet' of the collective consciousness. organic : I have no idea what it will be about. I've been given a seed today, of an idea that resonated on the high vibes of 'joy' with me and I am just planting the seed.... see what comes out of it. Why? Apart from that I know that I really love the process of...