open invitattion to beings of (high)er consciousness

I have setup this morning  a 'project'-spacetime where beings with relevant experiences can exchange resonances in pure soulspeak-language on developing the matters at hand here, in an energetic sound way.
A way where 'words' and cultural ingrained (false/at varience with nature) beliefs are not getting (automatically) in the way of increasing understanding and optimizing the developments.

Your soul can go there when given the permission from your conscious mind, to share freely your experiences with life, for the benefit of all involved.

For some ( not yet fully in detail understood reason.... although I strongly suspect it has something to do with tuning into the right wavelenght phases), I made two versions, only slightly differing in colour-hues, making one to appear 'warming' and the other 'cooler' .

Choose the one you ' like best', to take you in the 'right phase' into the right place of the Universal Collective Consciousness.

Feel free of course to check in ways you trust ( dowsing, muscle testing.....) if this is in your best interest and an energetic safe experiment to be playing with.


