the elephant in the room

Yesterday I watched a documentary on the life and work of Nikola Tesla.

One moment had great emotional impact on me, turned out to be the source of this blog post (which I consider to be highly significant, to take notice of by anyone attracted to partaking in this project).

It is the moment where an elephant got deliberately electrocuted by people for marketing and competitive purposes among humans, considered to be ‘ for the sake of (human) progress’.
(in the chapter war of the currents, between the 19th and 20th minute)

Some things and  choices seem small events, taking only a few seconds to occur, rather insignificant ‘blips’ in the bigger scheme of things. We may, in hindsight, not be proud of it, however 'we’ also don’t consider it worth mentioning or paying attention to any more, thinking/hoping.. if you simply ignore it, it will go away… moving swiftly on to minding our own business…..(which apparently is something else than communication about what is present and paying attention to the needs of the present moment...?)

Ever heard the expression, there is an elephant in the room?
Empaths ( like I am one)  see, feel, hear and resonate with the elephant in the room, for.. this ‘elephant’ ( usually metaphysically speaking of emotional turmoil in the undercurrent )  is in pain.
The waves of that pain ( the soul cries for help/justice) fill up the whole room, influencing/imbuing by the process of ‘diffusion’ energetically everything that is happening and present in that spacetime. That this pain is not cared for, is even adding to the experienced pain of empaths, which they feel as ‘ their own’ pain and ‘powerlessness’ for they care and feel response-able about the overall energetic harmonics.

No empath is able to ‘easily step over it and enjoy himself/herself’ and continue to party, socialise ‘nicely’ and be’ sociable’  and ‘ just have fun’, because they are not having fun witnessing this pain that no-one seems to care for, witnessing ( and being implicitly asked to take part!) to this collective ‘not caring’ for the whole system.

So, in the best tradition that empaths have a tendency to (have to) focus the attention of the group members precisely onto the ‘issue’ where those members  don’t want to look at and give attention to.. the elephant tin the room…. I am doing the exact same here, both literally showing an elephant, as well as figuratively speaking showing the vibes. Both speaking in words and images on this webpage, as well as in vibes in the aether… so, please take time to absorbs those vibes too.

How significant can one elephant be that lived over a hundred years ago?

I am looking at this from three interrelated perspectives: past, present and future developments in the world of energy.
All  circling around the very same base understanding that your core-choices, made (and sustained with taking matching actions) in the early days of any development, will continue to influence the outcomes.

For all of life obeys one simple ‘ Universal Law’… send equals receive… .
In simplification: you will attract what you give out…. as an individual and as a collective sharing and using the same core-values.

Having studied Universal Laws for a couple of years now, I may have witnessed in the last 24 hours, living in 2017 the footage of the ‘first choice’, the event* that happened in the earliest days of AC current developments. And understand that we may see here the energetically ‘root’  that could very well have lead to us ( modern mankind)  into slowly electrocuting ourselves.
Doing so while clinging to a belief  that marketing our own brands and competing for money and other people’s attention is even  the most (human) natural, obvious thing to do……..


Being here now at the early days of a development to solve this issue on a fundamental level, it may be time to have a good look at ‘this elephant’ and state (in words as well as matching actions) a new (evolved) fundamental process choice for mankind of a higher level of consciousness wavelength.

I am keeping this blog to show what happens in the dynamics of these developments, too.
Make that process as visible as I can.

  • Having seen the elephant in my timespace of the developemtns with regards to human current-systemsdevelopments…
  • Having resonated with the elephant’s pain…
  • ‘It’ spoke to me.. the natural world spoke to me of what was needed, to ‘heal’ this.

A procedure was indicated, of which this blog post is a part, to raise awareness on the fundamental value-issues, early on ( now).

Something rather fascinating happened, that I observed to be ‘ out of the ordinary.
Although I would readily admit that I am highly aware that what I consider ordinary in my shamanic practice of listening to the patterns in the world of energy, is already way, way, way beyond what ‘most people’; would label ’ordinairy’.

The thing is, that I am aware that I can track back most of the information that comes to me looking with shamanic eyes, seems to come from the animal-world… things animals ( I am including humans) have experienced, have understanding of.

Now, this morning, there was a question lingering in the back of my awareness, about possible plants that might be able to transform artificial electromagnetic smog  into clear energypatterns , as one of the avenues to explore to find healing and solving solutions.

Usually, if I resonate with a question by ‘ liking it and surrendering to the question transforming into answers, answers flow in that I can easily relate to being  natural answers to that question .
This time, it went slightly differently.

I was directed to look at the resonance of ‘ patents’ ( also a topic largely discussed in the documentary) and ‘click’ with my ‘being’ to that with my current understandings know about this topic.
I had no clue how this would lead me to receiving access on plants.. that seemed the interesting feature/topic to be discussed on the mental table….
But… I have long learned to just go with the flow…follow the resonances in the order they naturally present themselves, so I looked into my understanding of  ‘ patents’, holding it to the light of my highest understandings of ‘ how life works’.

When I did that… the door to a much deeper understanding opened on the energetic necessary next step in this development….. to make something very explicit about the legal developments rights and protective system that applies on this development.

There is also an understanding….. this is another ‘world of energy’ putting information to the table than the one I am used to. As said….I am used to tuning into and having access to the world of Earthly animals ( including humans).

There is a sense of knowing, that the wisdom of planets and the wisdom of plants, is willing to cooperate, but needs ( for its own safety and honouring their highest understandings of Universal Laws) this coproduction and its co-creators  to align with  a higher bandwidth of resonances, higher understandings of Universal Principles, a higher consciousness....move to that bandwith.

Those fields of wisdom/consciousness are offering to partake in this process, but cannot peacefully and joyfully and wholeheartedly commit to working under the human patent-laws and practices, for it would violate their highest understandings of what works in this Universe and what is in the best interest of all involved.

That may need a little more explanation….

Like it is common practise for current modern day developers of inventions to protect ‘ their ideas’ with patents, ensuring that no-one can ( financially) exploit the idea and bring it to the market as their own…. I/we need to so something similar here.
Only, vibrating on a higher frequency, cover some basics, but of another order and another kind.

For….in societies operating on a higher bandwidth of consciousness…. the concept of having to shield and legally protect as ‘ yours’ details of ideas in order to be able to exploit them in any way to make your own living, financially and in terms of social status… is ….. alien.
As alien as it would be to them as parents, to call the children they gave birth to ‘ theirs’, as vehicles to serve and meet the individual  needs and desires of the person who served as conduits to bring new developments within the tribe  into being.

As modern western world man, we consider ‘child-labour’ speaking of physical offspring something of the old days, for we are not sending  our children to the factory anymore the minute they can thread a needle or can carry stuff.
However , we still cling to the  very same idea that our metaphysical offspring, the really smart and good ideas we give birth to enter this world, are ‘ours’ and need to be shielded from other developmental influences in the same field of interest , for they need to bring lots of money home to the parent and must go into ‘production’ as quickly as possible. Why? Because their unique patent/parent dedicated income generating capacity deteriorates after a few decades, when the patents-life-span runs out.

(The latter looks, by the way, rather similar to a belief we still hold high in our western world collective belief systems when it comes to how long tribal human offspring is ‘worth’ much in social economical terms)

Anyhow….one can write thick books on this topic alone.
Any person desiring to read more on this topic, I can refer for instance to reading Neale Donald Walsh’s Conversations with God, part 3, where the world of Higher Evolved Beings  ( HEB’) is described in more detail.

The thing I choose to flesh out here, in the context of (setting up) this development, is the patenting-parenting policy of this cooperative imitative that wishes to do justice to Universal Law .

When humans have created ‘laws & practises’ that go fundamentally against the grain of better judgement, of higher understandings, than, in a contaxt of desiring to evolve, move forward and heal this situation it better, healthier….. it is time to state here, at the beginning, what  this policy means and how it differs from the current current affairs.

Within which set of core values and beliefs is this development is chosen to take place in.

I’ll dedicate a separate blog post to putting those vibes in writing.
This blog posts serves as process-reporting ‘ background information’ to that.

*To be precise…it was not just this one event, on this one animal occurring once, as also explained in the documentary!
