the top half of the whole story...?
This afternoon, I e-mailed David Chalmers:
Dear David,
Yesterday, I enjoyed watching your Ted Talk from March 2014 with the title
‘ How do you explain consciousness?’
‘ How do you explain consciousness?’
You mentioned your and science’s heart’s desire:
to find an answer so simple, it would fit on the front of a T-shirt.
to find an answer so simple, it would fit on the front of a T-shirt.
I am taking the liberty here of exploring to see how the T-shirt with my simple answer to that question fits you, within the context of the other radical ideas you mentioned on this Ted stage.
You explained to be very curious, on a soul deep level, about clarifying these issues:
You explained to be very curious, on a soul deep level, about clarifying these issues:
- Could consciousness be fundamental?
- Could consciousness be Universal?
- And…..which practical implications would a (likely) ‘yes’ on both scores have for the daily choices, decisions and actions taken in shaping our lives?
If I were to explain the content of this T-shirt in Ted Talk style (short),
it would contain these elements:
it would contain these elements:
“Picture the ‘system of consciousness’, to be more than a stream of consciousness.
Picture it to be a complete flow-system of various ‘states’ consciousness can ‘be in’,
very much like water in the water cycle… where not-streaming at all, exists too.
Picture it to be a complete flow-system of various ‘states’ consciousness can ‘be in’,
very much like water in the water cycle… where not-streaming at all, exists too.
Looking at ‘consciousness’ that way....
I ….
- with my background as a teacher in improving the overall quality of human interactions
- with years of experience as a manager of (collective) information in the public domain
- with actively studying the collective consciousness dynamics now for over 5 years
…using my highest understandings on how one can tap into consciousness in public….”
I would then first be completely silent, doing exactly nothing, for 2 or 3 minutes
I would then ask the people paying attention to information being presented in this way of looking at life, to tap into their own (full-well) knowing systems, by answering (honestly) for themselves 3 simple questions.
Asking the questions one by one, leaving a long enough pause in between to ‘picture it’ in one’s mind’s eye.
- “If people where to ignore /maltreat the bottom-half-part of the water cycle,
(where it is when it is in ‘ the soil’)
in which direction would you say the quality of water and in its slip stream ‘ life on earth’ was likely to develop… ( and why is that.. in more detail)?”
--- - “If people where to ignore/matreat the bottom-half of the consciousness cycle,
(where it is when it is within the self)
in which direction would you’d say the quality of consciousness and in its slip stream ‘ life on earth’ was likely to develop ( andwhy is that.. in more detail)?”
--- - “How often are you actively and publicly using what is welling up from the depths of your own knowing, (yourself), pure, clear and fresh, as it is, without any form of additives from another source mixed into it? ( and why is that, in more detail) “
Then… I’d ask to raise hands:
“Who would be interested in being told by me, right now, some very practical pointers on how one can tap into that rich source of their own knowing and use it safely?”
I wouldn’t wish to bother people who actually don’t want to explore this other half of the cycle of consciousness to ‘go there’ and ‘try it’ pure….with or without me.
So.. I’d ask the people who express their interest, to have a conversation with me in/with the ‘calmness of the wild’.
Where, after a very short introduction for my part on the benefits of high frequent mini-me-time, as I understand them, from my own experience,nature ( the cycle of consciousness itself) will start to well up in the people who do choose to explore ( and use) the ‘good things’ available in identifying with and actively supporting with your own consciousness, energy flow and experiences…..the whole cycle.
Where, after a very short introduction for my part on the benefits of high frequent mini-me-time, as I understand them, from my own experience,nature ( the cycle of consciousness itself) will start to well up in the people who do choose to explore ( and use) the ‘good things’ available in identifying with and actively supporting with your own consciousness, energy flow and experiences…..the whole cycle.
“So, David……right here, right now ….
I am aware we don’t have to wait until an actual official Ted Talk is taking place somewhere in the physical world where you then just happen to be in the audience, or backstage as a fellow speaker on this intrigueing topic….. !
This virtual one, where I am presenting something to you on this 'e-mail stage' in digital space where you are sitting in the seat of yourimagination, paying attention to this information right now, works equally well….!
This virtual one, where I am presenting something to you on this 'e-mail stage' in digital space where you are sitting in the seat of yourimagination, paying attention to this information right now, works equally well….!
……the very same choice is also yours to make, right now!”
So please, let me actively know if you are interested in a brief introduction on the benefits of high frequent mini-me-time, as a hands-on suitable means to explore the cycle of consciousness in order to benefit fully from its richness.
If you are, then please, make sure to wear your ‘your soul deep curiosity’ and ‘open interest in being informed about ‘radical’ ideas’.
If you are, then please, make sure to wear your ‘your soul deep curiosity’ and ‘open interest in being informed about ‘radical’ ideas’.
With all due respect…..T-shirts are great things for some purposes.
But they might be too physical in this case, to be a suitable and carrier to deliver the whole message well, ...... by not covering the bottom half at all.. if you see what I mean ;-)
And also….way too ‘thin’ and way too mass produced with way too little respect for various natural life supporting systems and cycles in life, to be any good as a solid rock filter of really rich , cool and clear natural consciousness.
And also….way too ‘thin’ and way too mass produced with way too little respect for various natural life supporting systems and cycles in life, to be any good as a solid rock filter of really rich , cool and clear natural consciousness.
Simply let me know by e-mail, if you’d like to hear more.
If you are ‘up’ for exchanging insights on (radical new and very ) practical ways of exploring consciousness, with me.
If you are ‘up’ for exchanging insights on (radical new and very ) practical ways of exploring consciousness, with me.
Enjoy your day,
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